Jul 20, 2023
Iwaspoisoned expressed great satisfaction in being chosen to present at the 2023 IAFP conference. Their presentation was scheduled for Monday, July 17th at 1:30 PM in room 717, as a segment of IAFP's Technical Session #6. The topic of our presentation, "Machine Learning, AI, and Confirmation Bias in Crowdsourced Foodborne Illness Reporting," explored the utilization of crowdsourced data in probing foodborne illness outbreaks, discussing its benefits and challenges. Here is the
abstract for the presentation.
The International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) is dedicated to advancing global food safety. Its annual conference attracts over 4,000 professionals, researchers, and educators in food safety, creating a forum for knowledge sharing and learning about recent industry developments. Each year, numerous papers are submitted to IAFP, but only a select few are chosen for presentation through a rigorous review process.
Recap of IAFP 2023 Event: Having returned from the 2023 IAFP conference, we are thrilled to share key moments from the event. This four-day conference, rich in presentations, keynote addresses, and networking opportunities, was an invaluable experience, drawing over 3,000 professionals from 50 different countries.
Our presentation on "Machine Learning, AI, and Confirmation Bias in Crowdsourced Foodborne Illness Reporting" received a positive response and stimulated engaging discussions. The connections forged at the conference hold the potential for future collaborations, reinforcing our dedication to improving food safety standards globally. We look forward to the next IAFP conference to build on these discussions.
Explore our journey at IAFP 2023 through the photos below:
Iwaspoisoned CEO, Patrick Quade, presenting at IAFP 2023 on "Machine Learning, AI, and Confirmation Bias in Crowdsourced Foodborne Illness Reporting"
Reconnecting with our friends at Food Safety News at IAFP's exhibition hall.
The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and the FDA conducted an Investigation into Online Reports of Adverse Reactions which was presented during IAFP's Poster Session: Dinesafe's parent company IWP Health Inc and our platform iwaspoisoned.com got a call out in the investigation summary for aiding the investigation. Under the section with the headline "Initiation of Investigation" they write - "Website (IWP) alerted FDA to complaints about..."
Patrick Quade with Darin Detwiler - Renowned food safety advocate and friend.
Iwaspoisoned.com featured in the FDA's IAFP presentation on crow-sourced data incidents.
Attending an IAFP Presentation by Ben Chapman on "Crowdsourced Data for Foodborne Illness Outbreak Investigations: Utility and Challenges."